Paint Appaloosa mare - Misty is a Paint-Appaloosa mix mare. She is 3.5 years old and approx. 1.50 cm tall.
Unfortunately she broke her navicular bone in October 2023. New x-rays from this year (2025) are available and will be gladly forwarded.
At the moment Misty is walking very well with a small beat error at the back right. Current videos of her walking on the lunge are also available.
Unfortunately, no vet can give me a guarantee that Misty will be fully rideable. At the moment she is still completely ROH!!!! Knows the saddle and the bridle.
She would be ideal for a healthy foal.
She has a great zest for life in the paddock and loves to gallop. We are looking for a place where she will be loved and cared for. She loves to be groomed and is absolutely calm at the grooming area and enjoys being groomed.
Misty has a strong character and will not be sold as a beginner horse. She still needs a safe hand at her young age.
At the moment she is in our open stable, where she feels very comfortable and is rather low in rank.
Location: Upper Austria
For further questions please contact me. If you are seriously interested, I would like to talk to you on the phone first, then you are welcome to come and see her.