Horses<br>For Sale
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Stable &<br>Pasture
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Loading training

44536 Lünen, Germany directions
remove_red_eye 0252
25,00 €
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Loading training - For us humans, it is something completely normal to walk through a door without knowing what is behind it. As a rule, we have little problem entering a windowless, slightly darkened room or, indeed, a trailer. However, this is a completely unusual challenge for a horse:

Unlike humans, horses are still strongly influenced by their primal instincts. Thus, even centuries of domestication by humans could not counteract this behavior. This means that in many cases horses develop visible or even for us humans invisible problems to enter a trailer.

Another survival strategy of horses is to hide fear or even pain from conspecifics and enemies in order not to be recognized as the supposed weakest member of the herd. It follows that even humans often do not notice how their own animal feels in the face of a trailer or other danger.

What the human might interpret as stubbornness, listlessness, and aggressive behavior when loading the animal, often presents itself completely differently to the animal. This also applies to animals that could be loaded without any problems in the past and "suddenly", supposedly without any visible reason, develop a fear of the trailer.

In such situations it is essential to look at the situation through the eyes of a horse. With my knowledge I meet you and your animal. I help your horse to gain or regain confidence in the loading situation to enable sustainable stress-free travel.

Your horse and also you will enter the trailer more relaxed and therefore arrive more efficient at the destination to be able to fully concentrate on a successful exam or to experience a wonderful ride!

(The indicated price is calculated per half hour training session plus travel). To the seller's offerlaunch

HSA PferdeverhaltenstherapieFlag DECelina Peters

44536 Lünen, Germany directions

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