Hayrack automatic, time controlled, opt. H²O our powerraufe - Time controlled feeding of horses! New Powerraufe our time-controlled hayrack.
The Powerraufe made of stainless steel allows you to feed your horses in the open stable or in the box attitude over the day distributed with small horse-healthy hay rations. You have the possibility to fill the Powerraufe with 12 - 15 kg of loosened up hay (per half-roundraufe), and you can ration this easily over the adjusted feeding times. You can control when and for how long the horses have access to the hay. With up to 20 possible feeding intervals, the Powerraufe is the guarantee against boredom and uncontrolled feeding behavior.
Optionally, the Powerraufe is available with a built-in hay moistening system. This allows you to effectively prevent hay dust and horse cough in a time-controlled manner. With the Powerraufe H²O (incl. hay moistening) you can water and dust the hay freshly at every feeding. The hay supply in the upper part of the Powerraufe remains dry and intact! The Powerraufe is the perfect partner in the fight against COB, horse cough and hay allergies.
If you have any questions, please feel free to send us a message or give us a call, we are always at your disposal.