Horses<br>For Sale
For Sale
Stable &<br>Pasture
Stable &

Beautiful gelding

89407 Dillingen, Germany directions
remove_red_eye 0569
people 6
Price range
10.000,00 €
15.000,00 €
Gender Gelding

German Riding Pony

Show 65 ads from $778.30
Age (years) 9
Height (hh) 16.5
Type Warmblood
Color Bay
  • Jumping
  • Leisure
  • Dressage
Other charactics
  • No eczema
  • Barefoot
  • All Rounder
  • incl. horse passport
  • Competition experience
Beautiful gelding - For sale is a beautiful gelding, born in 2015. Ben - his real name is Dunkelbunt - is a perfect girl's or lady's horse due to his petite build and his height of 1.68m.

Ben shows outstanding talent in dressage, as he has three very nice gaits, which is due to his good dressage pedigree on both sides. Ben is very sensitive and reacts very finely to any help and is fine in the mouth. Ben has therefore already mastered lessons up to elementary (L) level. With a little practice, however, there is still room for improvement.

But jumping is also his passion, which is why he has already impressed at competitions up to elementary level. Ben always wants to go over to the other side and is not at all nervous when jumping. This means that he has no problem with banks and ditches. Ben also has an exceptional jumping manner. However, Ben has a lot of go when jumping and needs an experienced rider or someone who enjoys practicing with him.

Ben also loves ground work. He learns very quickly here and always wants to inspire. He also enjoys shock training. Ben also enjoys going out on his own or in a group and loves going for walks.

Ben is currently in a box with paddock access during the day. However, I can also imagine him in a paddock box or in an open stable, as he is very compatible with other horses.

Due to my training, Ben was no longer shown at competitions.

Ben is being sold because I don't see him as a pure sport horse, which is very important to me personally. I am also a show jumper and see Ben more as a dressage horse, even though he is a really good jumper.
He is looking for someone who has a lot of time and patience, as Ben needs someone by his side whom he can trust. So I see him more as a great leisure horse where he has someone to have a lot of fun with him.
Nevertheless, I believe that he will master one or two competitions at E/A level, both in jumping and dressage.

A test ride is possible on request.
You are welcome to contact me via WhatsApp on 0172 4508253. I am not easy to reach by phone.
Ben is not a distress sale and will only be sold into good hands - not a school or dealer!!!
Balmoral Benetton
Benetton Dream FRH 1301

Larissa PritzlFlag DE

89407 Dillingen, Germany directions

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Published: 2024-12-16
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