Tinker mare - breeding - ridden - driven - Tinker mare - black pinto with a lot of hang - broad strong type / type cold blood in pony format - ideal driving horse
Ridden, driven, well-behaved and good-natured - currently runs barehoof, when used a lot for driving she ran with shoes, otherwise barehoof - well-behaved in handling, loading and at the farrier (hoof trimming with Flex barehoof and warm shoeing always without problems) stands for hours and can be toodled, also nice with children and the dogs she knows
Has had several foals - most recently a palomino pinto in 2022 - without any problems.
AKU possible at buyer's expense
Sale only for health reasons of the owner Another driving pony - Minischetty and Tinker gelding black pinto with blue eyes (only lightly broken in two years ago) also for sale for the same reason.
Accessories (harness, carriage, saddle) can be purchased on request