Mini shetty mare - If everything fits we would sell our minishetty mare. She was born on May 20, 2016. She is very small at just under 80 cm and therefore not suitable as a children's riding horse. However, she can be groomed well by children, when leading she tries out with the children, so they should be slightly older children. We keep her in an open stable all year round with limited grazing. No exemer, laminitis or other diseases. She knows the farrier and can also be driven with a horse trailer. We would like her to have a 5 star home with pony company and loving hands to look after her. One should not forget that even small ponies need to be kept busy and should not just be kept as lawn mowers! I could also imagine her in a team in front of a small carriage. But she was not harnessed with us. Regularly wormed, passport available. It is not a distress sale so be fair when dealing! It is of course possible to get to know her by prior appointment. Will not be sold as a side horse for a large horse.
If you are interested, I look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to answer your questions!