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Loading training Kiki Kaltwasser *Exchange

71364 Winnenden, Germany directions
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10,00 €

Müller Books

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Condition Used - Good
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Loading training Kiki Kaltwasser *Exchange - Sell / Swap the book Verladetraining by Kiki Kaltwasser

Being mobile with horses
means more fun and variety! Competitions, courses, trail rides, etc. - there's a huge range on offer, but not every event takes place on your own doorstep. Not really a problem if your four-legged friend is happy to go along. But for most horses, it's STOP at the ramp. What do you do when the horse refuses to move in the pouring rain on the showground in the evening and even five strong men are unable to tame the unruly horse? And even worse: what if the horse has to go to the veterinary clinic immediately due to a bad colic? Anyone who has not yet practiced loading is faced with a serious problem. The author explains her non-violent system in a 10-point program that is easy to understand for every horse owner. Knowledge of the horse's perception and behavior are the basic conditions for success. "Educate yourself to be a relatable horse", the author urges the reader. Successful exercises are shown in a clear way, making you want to train on the trailer: Say goodbye to loading frustration! Case studies highlight the most common problems and suggest solutions.

*Exchange* possible - simply offer everything. Swap as you like

Can also be shipped if shipping costs are covered

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ecoI avoid plastic as much as possible when shipping my items and prefer to ship in a climate-friendly way

KarottenschubserinFlag DE

71364 Winnenden, Germany directions

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