great Quarter Horse mare in gunner look - Eye-catcher with a unique character and great body is looking for a nurturing home. NW Miss Pretty Woman lives up to her name. She is not only pretty as a picture, but also has a very strong, correct build with straight legs. 5.2022 born, with an estimated final height of 150 cm. She is growing up with her peers in a herd under the best conditions. Will be sold directly by the breeder. Regularly vaccinated and wormed and presented to the farrier. NW Miss Pretty Woman is very fine to handle, attentive and willing to learn. She is very talented. Her character is simply a dream. Her pedigree is also very good: Colonels Smoking Gun, Topsail Whiz, Mister Dual Spring, PW Doc Tom Rowdy are in her pedigree. NRHA paid up. On request she can also be paid into the EWU young horse program. Top prospect for show and leisure. Location: 14929 Treuenbrietzen
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